Living in kailasa..

Re-Discovering The True Self!

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You Can Manifest Yourself as You Want!

A beautiful discourse where, Living incarnation Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals very good news: we are not final products as we are, we are seeds of possibility! “Even Sadashiva considers Himself as a seed; the greatest is still ahead of us.” This means, regardless of the patterns with which we may think we are stuck now, or the difficulties we may face, we always have potential to recreate our lives as we want them to be. Swamiji tells us, when life is not going as we want, the only reason we haven’t created what we want it to be yet, is that we haven’t acted towards what we want. Fantasizing and acting are different; Existence responds to action. Powers manifest in us through Action! The only thing you need is the Will to break and rejuvenate your life! 

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Handling Criticism – a stepping stone to higher self!

There are probably only some enlightened souls who don’t mind being criticized. The rest of us cringe at the thought of it. Some people run away from it. Then there are some, who don’t even attempt doing anything lest they be criticized!

Even though everyone hates it, no one has any qualms doling it out to others! J Inspite of knowing that all of us have our own faults and have our strong points and not so strong points, we still make the mistake of criticizing others. If you saw the face of the person criticismreceiving it cringe, then please don’t fool yourself and others saying you were just giving them some honest feedback! Feedback is given from a space of completion, where there is only an interest to see improvement in the other, whereas criticism is used only by a person who has vengeance and anger within!

There are some people who run away from criticism, and some who avoid it like plague. All of us should however know that handling criticism can be a great teacher if you take it in the right spirit! Whenever you feel the heat of criticism – put a stop to the chattering in your mind and Look In! Why are you feeling the heat of it if what was said was not true? If its true, isn’t it good that there is someone to remind you and bring back your focus in the right direction? If its not true, why bother about it at all? One way or another, remaining cool and contemplating on it will take you a long way in understanding yourself and understanding life!

Always Listen! Listen to yourself! Listen to others! Each time you will move one step more towards your higher self!

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When life offers you a lemon…

Is your life plagued with conflicting decisions, situations and people? Are you trying to avoid something and find yourself face to face with it at every corner? Are you running scared only to find yourself faced with the same scary situation, so much so there is no place else to go? Are you constantly in a state of powerlessness because you have run out of ideas and ways to avoid the situation? Somehow, every donkey on the street seems to be screaming at you, giving you the same message which makes your heart drop to your feet!

What is going on? Why is life treating you this way? You think you have found an escape route only to find the end of the tunnel blocked by the same monster which you are running away from!

Its about time you stopped! STOP running away! Its a law of life! Whatever you resist persists! Life is a mirror – Whatever you feel powerless about, that is shown to you again and again as a reflection in the mirror! If you feel powerless in your marriage and run away from it by resorting to divorce, you will find that your workplace is filled with people who are similar to your spouse and you will be forced to work with all of them! The problem is not with the reflection in the mirror. The problem is with you, who gave it so much importance.

Anything you resist persists! The more you resist, the more it persists! Soon your life is nothing but conflicts!

So how does one get out of it? The solution to all problems is – Completion! and what is completion? The decision to get rid of this pattern Imageand not to entertain it again; that’s all! Consciously decide, whenever the same pattern lifts its ugly head, you are going to consciously face it and overpower it! you will emerge THE winner. Don’t even worry about – ‘oh what if i forget and unconsciously fall into the same pattern again!’. Even if you do, don’t worry! When you remember, stop resisting and face it! Any pattern will not be able to live long when consciousness is brought into play!

Being powerful is the name of the game! Come what may! Any situation, face it with powerfulness! When you are powerful, you have clarity of mind which allows you to think what can be done to face the situation and come out of it…or even better make use of the situation! like the saying goes – when life offers you a lemon, make a lemonade!


Life is like a story – which can be written and RE-written :)

Rewrite Your Future
Many of us made resolutions again this year to make a change in our life…but somewhere along the way it dissolved into thin air! Its still not too late – Now is the time to get a head start on what we all want! not just for this year but the entire LIFE! — it may be enough money to get whatever you want, a great body, magical relationships with not only your family but others in your life, or just the ability to be powerful while dealing with the challenges thrown at you!

Transform you life completely by rewriting your future! Watch Paramahamsa Nithyananda speak on how to rewrite your life at a FREE LIVE webinar on March 23rd.


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Dump Your Past in the garbage where it belongs !

Let go of the PastThe past forms an area of people’s lives which is the most thought about, yet the most ignored. Often people feel helpless to let go of their past and move on, and keep carrying it like baggage. Many personality traits and ideas about oneself and others, especially the dis-empowering ones, can be traced back to incidents in the past. When an incident from the past leaves its mark on us and begins to limit our thinking, it is called a pattern. Whether it is low self-esteem, self-doubt, fear, anger, ego or powerlessness, all are patterns.

When you recall an incident from your life, and are able to feel the same emotions you felt when it was happening, it means you are holding on to your past. People are not able to let go of past hurts because, even though they may have ‘moved on’, they seldom heal the wounds that were caused during the event. The process of healing the wounds of the past is known as completion. It is only when completion with past incidents happens that you can be free from feelings of powerlessness. Completing or reliving the past incidents does not mean feeling like a victim or blaming yourself for past events. Rather, completion frees you from the influence of your past, so you have the inner strength to face anything in life.

To be free of the patterns that leave you powerless, Lord Shiva has given the solution very clearly in the 22nd verse of the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra of the Shiva Sutras. Lord Shiva says:

“Look at your past, dis-identified; let attention be at a place where you are seeing some past happening; and even your form, having lost its present characteristics, is transformed.”

This technique helps you clear all the patterns of powerlessness that you might be carrying within that continue to cause you deep suffering.

Step 1

Sit in front of a mirror and create a strong intention to be complete with your past patterns of powerlessness.

Step 2

Look into the mirror; the form that reflects back at you and represents your incomplete part.

Step 3

Start reliving the incident, and let your whole attention be on the in-completion being relived inside the mirror, with a clear understanding of being dis-identified from it.

Step 4

Whenever you begin to think, why did this happen to me and why did I react in this manner, tell yourself – “This happened because it happened! I reacted in this manner because I reacted in this manner!” Do not try to find a reason for what happened, and don’t let the past be a reason to hold on to the current patterns.

Step 5

With this clarity, keep reliving the incomplete childhood incidents in the mirror. You will see that the childhood form you recall having at the time when the incident happened, will melt down and will lose its power over you.

In the Inner Awakening program, Paramahamsa Nithyananda leads the participants into discovering and completing with their root thought patterns to make a quantum shift in their lives in just 21 days.

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Many of us can hear but can’t listen

Paramahamsa Nithyananda

My Guru Paramahamsa Nithyananda listening to a disciple’s question about life and its mysteries

My Guru Paramahamsa Nithyananda Swami has been speaking on a very important topic ‘completion’ for over a year now! The source of all problems in life, be it – bad health, relationships, money issues, fears, worries and feeling of not being loved or appreciated – everything! for every problem the solution is only one thing – COMPLETION!

So what is this completion? How to achieve it? Is it something only people who are spiritual/meditators etc enjoy or can practice? The answer is NO! Everyone can do it and anyone can do it – no need to be a regular meditator even though meditation ofcourse helps the process in a big way!

Completion is nothing but seeing a situation/incident/experience as it is and not feeling powerless about it. And the secret to doing this is “Listening”. Listening to yourself, the cries of your heart, the complaints, the frustrations and the fears! Just like every other living being your heart also just needs to be listened to. You will see that a lot of understanding happens through listening – understanding of yourself and others and you start seeing everything as it is. You realize that the reason for all incompletions is directly you and noone else! You are responsible! When you know you are responsible and the mess-up is because of your irresponsibility, you will know how to take responsibility and clear up the mess!

Life is really very simple. Its we who make it complicated with our perceptions and fears which make our perceptions look like facts 🙂

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Listening needs three things from us:
One, a passive inner space that invites the other person to pour themselves into your listening
Two, a deep patience that can wait for a solution to emerge on its own
Three, the courage to respond spontaneously, without a prepared answer or a ready made solution

Listening means just dropping the mind and being available for the other.People don’t always means what they say or say what they mean. Only when we “Listen” do we know what is lying behind the words that are being spoken.