Living in kailasa..

Re-Discovering The True Self!

Many of us can hear but can’t listen

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Paramahamsa Nithyananda

My Guru Paramahamsa Nithyananda listening to a disciple’s question about life and its mysteries

My Guru Paramahamsa Nithyananda Swami has been speaking on a very important topic ‘completion’ for over a year now! The source of all problems in life, be it – bad health, relationships, money issues, fears, worries and feeling of not being loved or appreciated – everything! for every problem the solution is only one thing – COMPLETION!

So what is this completion? How to achieve it? Is it something only people who are spiritual/meditators etc enjoy or can practice? The answer is NO! Everyone can do it and anyone can do it – no need to be a regular meditator even though meditation ofcourse helps the process in a big way!

Completion is nothing but seeing a situation/incident/experience as it is and not feeling powerless about it. And the secret to doing this is “Listening”. Listening to yourself, the cries of your heart, the complaints, the frustrations and the fears! Just like every other living being your heart also just needs to be listened to. You will see that a lot of understanding happens through listening – understanding of yourself and others and you start seeing everything as it is. You realize that the reason for all incompletions is directly you and noone else! You are responsible! When you know you are responsible and the mess-up is because of your irresponsibility, you will know how to take responsibility and clear up the mess!

Life is really very simple. Its we who make it complicated with our perceptions and fears which make our perceptions look like facts ๐Ÿ™‚

:) :) :) :)

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Listening needs three things from us:
One, a passive inner space that invites the other person to pour themselves into your listening
Two, a deep patience that can wait for a solution to emerge on its own
Three, the courage to respond spontaneously, without a prepared answer or a ready made solution

Listening means just dropping the mind and being available for the other.People donโ€™t always means what they say or say what they mean. Only when we “Listen” do we know what is lying behind the words that are being spoken.

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