Living in kailasa..

Re-Discovering The True Self!


I started this blog so i can share with you the treasures that i discovered in the past few years! An average student who loved fading into the background having nothing much to say in gatherings except with friends! a shy introvert Software consultant who was lucky with everything in life – a fantastic family, a great job which took me around the world enough to quench my thirst- best of all got me a more than just fantastic Guru who completely changed my life!

Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a rare living incarnation walking amongst us today! Only 37 years old, thousands of people follow him globally and consider him as their spiritual “Guru”, something very sacred in Indian tradition. Having lived in the west for nearly a decade, I realized that the west may be very advanced in many ways materially, but nothing can beat India in the spiritual arena! Being the birth place of so many enlightened beings I fell in love with my country, only after i met my master who taught me to appreciate the Vedic Culture and tradition. I am million times thankful to existence for having given birth to me in this soil.. which gave me my master.. who gave me Life!

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