Living in kailasa..

Re-Discovering The True Self!

When life offers you a lemon…

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Is your life plagued with conflicting decisions, situations and people? Are you trying to avoid something and find yourself face to face with it at every corner? Are you running scared only to find yourself faced with the same scary situation, so much so there is no place else to go? Are you constantly in a state of powerlessness because you have run out of ideas and ways to avoid the situation? Somehow, every donkey on the street seems to be screaming at you, giving you the same message which makes your heart drop to your feet!

What is going on? Why is life treating you this way? You think you have found an escape route only to find the end of the tunnel blocked by the same monster which you are running away from!

Its about time you stopped! STOP running away! Its a law of life! Whatever you resist persists! Life is a mirror – Whatever you feel powerless about, that is shown to you again and again as a reflection in the mirror! If you feel powerless in your marriage and run away from it by resorting to divorce, you will find that your workplace is filled with people who are similar to your spouse and you will be forced to work with all of them! The problem is not with the reflection in the mirror. The problem is with you, who gave it so much importance.

Anything you resist persists! The more you resist, the more it persists! Soon your life is nothing but conflicts!

So how does one get out of it? The solution to all problems is – Completion! and what is completion? The decision to get rid of this pattern Imageand not to entertain it again; that’s all! Consciously decide, whenever the same pattern lifts its ugly head, you are going to consciously face it and overpower it! you will emerge THE winner. Don’t even worry about – ‘oh what if i forget and unconsciously fall into the same pattern again!’. Even if you do, don’t worry! When you remember, stop resisting and face it! Any pattern will not be able to live long when consciousness is brought into play!

Being powerful is the name of the game! Come what may! Any situation, face it with powerfulness! When you are powerful, you have clarity of mind which allows you to think what can be done to face the situation and come out of it…or even better make use of the situation! like the saying goes – when life offers you a lemon, make a lemonade!

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